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Very high voltage!
Author: Dan Belcher 
Date:   03-28-16 19:27

We have a new Zareba voltage tester, 400' of goat net. Using a 12 v deep cycle marine battery and a hot shock 5.

The zareba tester is flashing 7000v+ ... it was my understanding that it should be reading 3000v.

Is this bad?
Is it dangerous to our goats, poultry and livestock guardian dogs?

This is our first time using the premier net, any coumsel.or advise will be warmly welcome.

Kind regards,


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Re: Very high voltage!
Author: Sara 
Date:   03-29-16 09:45

You need at least 3000 volts or more. The 7000 volts means you have everything set up right. The shock comes out in pulses which is less then a heart beat. You should be ok.

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