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Poultry Netting Hanging Turks
Author: Mike Ohlhausen 
Date:   08-29-16 14:49

I have a problem with 3 and 4 month old turkeys getting hung in the netting. It appears they put their head through one hole and then back through another creating a noose, from which they cannot escape, and I find them dead. Out of 35 turkeys I put on pasture 3 weeks ago, 15 have died this way. I have made "outriggers" to pull the fence taught, but it didn't help at all. Getting frustrated watching all these birds slowly die. I hatched all these this Spring, and fought so hard to have this many, but now I'm down to 15 remaining. at this rate, it'll be 3 weeks and they will all be dead. Can you offer any advice as to what I'm doing wrong? I bought the fencing with extra posts, and double pegs, for poultry. Thanks in advance (I have a picture if you want to see how I find them)

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Re: Poultry Netting Hanging Turks
Author: Sara 
Date:   08-29-16 15:31

Make sure you have a good reading of 3000 volts or more. If the net is not electrified you may have trouble with them getting tangled.

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Re: Poultry Netting Hanging Turks
Author: Mike Ohlhausen 
Date:   08-29-16 16:33

They don't seem affected by the electric, I don't think they get a good ground. None of the birds seem to get zapped. It works great on the cows and the predators, (and me!) but the birds step right onto the bottom part of the net (including the first couple 'hot' wires) and, I can hear it popping to the earth, but they don't appear affected. I mowed the fenceline down short as I could also, before putting it up. I don't have a tester that shows how much current, but the battery is full charged and the 20 amp solar seems to be working very well as far as keeping the batter hot. It's hot enough to give me cramps, lol. The light on the charger goes to the top if that means anything.. I'll have to get a tester to know for sure... but I don't know how much hotter I could get it, unless adding additional batteries would help... I'm nearly a quarter mile from power which is why I got the 20 amp solar cell and AC/DC charger. It is a Speedrite, (can't remember the number). I'm running 2 sections of 164 feet PoultryNet Plus. My first fear was that they were getting zapped, and panicked and got tangled, so I turned it off, but they did the same thing. From what I can see so far, this is a bad setup for young turkeys. The breeders don't do this, and the little poults just step through the holes, which you do warn about. Just the half grown ones, Stupid turkeys... Thanks for listening..

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Re: Poultry Netting Hanging Turks
Author: Sara 
Date:   08-29-16 16:40

Chickens are light animals you have to have a good shock. Get your tester for a reading of 3000 volts or more. The cows are heavier so they shock easier.

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