Growing and finishing lambs for Better Returns (EBLEX)

“Over 12 million lambs are slaughtered in the UK every year, producing more than 230,000 tonnes of meat. There are two main challenges for the lamb sector; the first is to maintain the production of high-quality meat and the second is to ensure sheep farming is financially viable. Most of the costs involved are spent supporting the lamb from birth to weaning. Post-weaning management also needs careful planning to maximise the financial returns. Minimising mortality and maximising growth rates are crucial. The starting point, ironically is the end-point. Farmers should ask themselves: Who will be buying the lambs? How will they be marketed? When do they need to be ready by? What type of lamb is required? Once an answer to all these questions is known, a plan can be put in place to achieve the target growth rates needed to meet the customers’ needs, using feeds that are most appropriate and readily on hand. This manual presents a range of options and ideas for growing and finishing lambs to achieve better returns.”

-Dylan Lewis, Livestock Scientist, EBLEX

Growing and finishing lambs for better returns

EBLEX exists to enhance the profitability and sustainability of the English lamb and beef sectors. It is funded by a statutory check-off paid on all beef and sheep animals slaughtered in or live animals exported from England.