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Egg Handling Supplies
Enhance Egg Appeal…
Keep them clean. How?
- Use roll-away trays in nest boxes. (Egg rolls out of nest into the tray when hen leaves.) Some chickens insist on nests with bedding but over time most of them will switch.
- Collect the eggs once or twice daily.
- Keep broody hens out of the nests.
- Provide a calcium supplement for the hens. We use oyster shell in a grit station.
- If the eggs are soiled, clean them or discard them. Nothing turns buyers off more than a dirty or stained egg. Sometimes cleaning can be done by dry brushing. But some must be washed.
- Put eggs in attractive cartons. Appearance matters. It shows that you care about the details, which in turn inspires buyer confidence in your product.
- Emphasize their freshness. And eggs must always be fresh! Discard eggs that become old. Don’t sell them!
- Create uniqueness. Use egg stamps and cartons to promote and grow your brand!