Shear Head - Replacement Parts ONLY
Product Details
Replacement Parts Only for the Premier 4000s shear head.
Numbers below (01-22) after the description correspond with downloadable pdf below of the shear head diagram and parts.
See shearing head diagram above for shear head diagram and parts.
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John F from Missouri
Perfect! Using today.
Maureen D from California
Super fast delivery!
Chris C from Montana
Had to send my shears in for some repairs and they were returned to me very quickly and work like new again, thanks Premier! I was fully expecting to pay a repair bill, but was pleasantly surprised that it was covered under warranty. Shears are great for clipping my small flock of club lamb ewes and rough shearing show lambs. Will always recommend Premier livestock supplies.
Donna R from New Mexico
Replacement comb screws fit a Beetro Clipper. Thankful!
Roger B from Pennsylvania
Well done in a timely manner.