Kane Portable Waterer
Product Details
Automatic waterer for small groups of rams, billies, show sheep, orphan lambs, poultry, dogs, etc.
We have had two of these in use for several years at Premier. They work well when temperatures are above freezing.
- Capacity: continuous
- Size: 19"L x 11"W x 4"D
- Suited for: adults
- Number of birds: over 100
- Waterfowl: yes
- Can it hang: no
- Stainless steel cover
- Made in the USA
Note: The exact number of birds to water is difficult to determine as there are many factors that influence intake; salt and protein levels in the diet, humidity, temperature, productivity (growth or egg production) and the birds ability to process feed and water.
How to Use
To refresh water just tip old water out. If required (we’ve never done it) it can be secured to the ground with large, long nails.
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Joe H from New Hampshire
I have a pair of these and they are great!
One we use on a long hose that we feed from the buildings. With 300' of hose we can move the flock around a good deal without any issue.
The second we take to further lots. I have a 55 gallon plastic drum that I got from a dairy farmer who had gotten cleanser in it. I screwed a faucet into one of the bungs, a six foot hose on that and the Kane unit. When the barrel runs low, I shut off the faucet, disconnect the hose, and roll the empty into the loader bucket. I then fill the barrel back at the house, then take it back to the pasture. Then I simply set the loader over the ElectroNet fence, roll the barrel to a shady spot and reconnect the the hose and Kane unit.
Tollan W from North Carolina
Purchased two of these for my meat chickens. They need to be cleaned out every day as the chickens do stand in the bowls, but they work well. I don't have to carry so much water and think that one waterer is good for about 100-150 meat birds.
Debbie E from Illinois
This product works well for our 4 goats and their babies. We don't have to worry that our girls are getting enough water to make milk, and it sure beats carrying 5 gallon buckets for them to drink out of. The only thing that could make it better is a way to keep it from freezing in the winter time. But at that point milking is down anyway and a heated water bucket would work well.
Rosario D
I use this in my rotational grazing of sheep (ewes), lambs and one llama, about 13 in total. ABSOLUTELY love it. I want another one. THE BEST!!!!!! back/arm pains are over, this makes life EASY!!!!
Nathan S
This works great. I have 30 chickens and now I don't have to refill the water can every other day. I'm not looking forward to the winter though. I think my hoses would freeze.