Butchering Book
Product Details
Step by step photography of the farm-to-table process shows exactly how to slaughter and butcher small livestock in a humane and sustainable way.
Comprehensive guide includes:
- Food safety
- Freezing and packaging
- Tools and equipment
- Butchering methods
- Pre-slaughter conditions
Common Uses
Locally raised animals, humanely slaughtered and expertly butchered. This is the best meat we can eat and, with Adam Danforth’s comprehensive manual, you can learn the skills necessary to take an animal calmly and efficiently from pasture to freezer.
Every step of the slaughtering process—from selecting the proper equipment to preparing, stunning, and bleeding the animals — is presented with careful consideration for the animals‘ well-being and your safety.
Butcher the carcass to maximize food yield and get the cuts you want. You‘ll find various options for breaking down each species, with hundreds of step-by-step photographs that put you at the butchers‘s table to observe the art of cutting and boning, trimming fat, and connective tissue, and rolling and tying.
Scrupulous attention to sanitation and detailed instructions for packaging and freezing your meat for the best quality, appearance, and freshness ensure that the animals you process will nourish and satisfy everyone they feed.
Processing Products
Poultry Processing Kit
Item #540380 -Process your own chickens with this kit. Includes cone, knife and shackle.
$126.00 -
Meat Processing
#8 Big Bite Meat Grinder
Item #950020 -For processing game and livestock into ground product or add seasoning to make sausage.
$379.99 -
Meat Processing
Manual Meat Mixer
Item #950042 -Stainless steel hopper for mixing ground meat and seasonings prior to stuffing or jerkying.
$179.99 -
Meat Processing
5 lb Sausage Stuffer
Item #950040 -Hand powered sausage stuffer makes filling casings ultra easy. Attaches to tables or counters.
$179.99 -
Meat Processing
Jerky Cannon
Item #950039 -This heavy duty, high capacity jerky cannon holds 1.5 lbs of ground meat. Meat dispenses easily in either jerky or stick form.
$49.99 -
Meat Processing
Edible Collagen Casing, 19mm, smoked clear, 16# stuffed weight
Item #950043 -Stuff fresh or smoked sausages. Uniform sizing for consistent links.
$12.99 -
Processing Products
MaxVac Vacuum Sealer with Manual Vacuum Control
Item #950024 -Extend the freshness and freezer life of your favorite foods. Commercial grade sealer is made of stainless steel and fits well on countertops.
$529.99 -
Meat Processing
Freezer Paper
Item #950029 -Wrapping paper for long-term freezer storage of meat cuts. Polycoated, 15" wide.
$35.00 -
Meat Processing
Wild Game Meat Bags, 1 lb size
Item #950034 -1 lb capacity bags for storing ground meat in the freezer.
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Benjamin A from Kentucky
So comprehensive and thorough and clear. Glad I invested.
Jenna C from Texas
Great butchering book! I bought another from the 1950s that is also great but this one has updated color photos and some updated tools. It covers everything that someone with little butchering experience would need to know and also has some ideas for the experienced butcher. Going to also order the beef butchering guide at a later time! I’ve already recommended this book to a couple adventurous friends. Must have for the farm library/resource shelf.
Hettie N from Florida
I recommend this book to anyone that eats meat. It explains, with photos, where each cut comes from and what makes it tender or tough. It explains the process of obtaining each cut.
Brandon H from West Virginia
WOW! All I can say is wow. This is hands down the most complete home butchering book I’ve ever seen. The written instructions along with the pictorial guidance is far superior to any other book of its kind! Anyone looking to butcher at home poultry, rabbits and small ruminants and pigs this is it!
Makenna J from Kentucky
I used this book as a study book for my sheep raising. I felt I needed to have knowledge about the butchery process. I also learned from here how to process my chickens. Through this book the process went smoothly and I've learned how to do it painlessly, which has always been entirely important to me. I was so grateful to have such a great book with amazing pictures.