Chick Nipple Drinker
Product Details
To keep water clean and fresh. Nipple drinker sits or hangs above the litter so water is always clean.
Includes a metal hanging bracket. Optional cage and wall brackets are available.
- Capacity: 1 liter (0.26 gal)
- Approx. size: 7"H x 3.5"W x 3.25"D
- Suited for: chicks/adults
- Number of birds: 10-20
- Waterfowl: no
- Can it hang: yes (includes a metal hanging bracket)
Note: The exact number of birds to water is difficult to determine as there are many factors that influence intake; salt and protein levels in the diet, humidity, temperature, productivity (growth or egg production) and the birds ability to process feed and water.
- Cage bracket
- Wall bracket
Waterers and Accessories
Cage Bracket (for Nipple Drinker)
Item #5402241 -To keep water clean and fresh. Nipple drinker sits or hangs above the litter so water is always clean.
$3.80 -
Waterers and Accessories
Wall Bracket (for Nipple Drinker)
Item #5402242 -To keep water clean and fresh. Nipple drinker sits or hangs above the litter so water is always clean.
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Waterers and Accessories
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Waterers and Accessories
Replacement Elbow Nipple Assembly (for Chick Drinker)
Item #5402243 -To keep water clean and fresh. Nipple drinker sits or hangs above the litter so water is always clean.
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Kathy S from Virginia
I use these on my quail. Works great!
Michael R from North Carolina more straw and feed falling into water. Wish I had bought one before simple and clean.
Justin B from Virginia
works great! keeps the chicks safer, no poop in water and teaches them from the start how to drink from a nipple for adult life auto watering systems.
Alice J
Love this nipple drinker for my coop. Amazed how they started drinking right away. Very sanitary. Will be buying more to put on both sides of EACH pen.
Alice J
Great product. Easy to install. Got the wall mount and the wire cage mount. Used both depending on the location in our pens.