Prolapse Harness
Product Details
The most effective and gentle "antidote" for a prolapsed ewe.
Used to hold a vaginal prolapse in long enough to get the ewe to her lambing date.
The soft red nylon webbing minimizes risk of tissue damage around the udder and vulva (a much too frequent result of homemade twine efforts).
Used in conjunction with a prolapse retainer.
- Allows you to help the ewe carry her lambs to full term.
- If prolapses are treated when small, the success rate is very high.
- Makes the ewe more comfortable and able to urinate on her own.
- The neck, back, and leg straps each adjust to fit ewes of all sizes.
- We find that these harnesses will last for many years with moderate care.
How does it work? When a ewe strains, her neck drops and her back arches. This pulls the cross webbing of the harness tighter against the vulva and also pulls the retainer (if one is used) into the ewe. Most ewes soon cease to strain. Although ewes can lamb past a harness, we remove it when lambing starts.
- The neck, back and leg straps each adjust to fit ewes of all sizes
- Snap buckles enable easy attachment, removal and adjustment
- Made from 1" and 2" nylon strapping
- Approximate adjustment sizes:
- Neck, 36"
- Neck to hips, 26"
- Hip around leg, 45"
Do not grab onto the harness as a way to catch a ewe. The buckles are designed for harness adjustment only.
Listed below are recommended optional components or related items. Your particular situation may require alternative recommendations. Please call and talk to our consultants if there are any questions at 800-282-6631.
SuperLube™, 8 oz
Item #550800 -An all-purpose antiseptic OB lubricant for lambing and kidding. Very useful if a lamb (or kid) goes dry during birth.
$6.00 -
Prolapse Harness and Retainer
Prolapse Retainer
Item #559000 -Best used in conjunction with a prolapse harness for keeping sheep and goat prolapses contained.
$2.50 -
2025 New Products
Nettex Prolapse Ewespoons (pkg of 4)
Item #560002 -Spoon device for retaining vaginal prolapses of ewes or goat does. Attach to wool or a prolapse harness.
$15.00 -
Breeding Supplies
OB Gloves, clear, pkg of 10
Item #550900 -Keep arms and hands covered while assisting the births of sheep, goats, cattle and other livestock. Glove covers most up to the shoulder.
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Brother A from Maine
Great product. Very easy to use and good quality.
Don H from Minnesota
These are much more effective in keeping prolapses in place. I use them with the traditional spoons.
Scott J from South Dakota
With our ewes being very heavy with triplets, the harness came in handy to hold her together. Easy to put on and adjust. Best used when ewe is shorn. One last year lambed past the harness alive. Beats stitches.
Leanor R from Wisconsin
Worked like a charm! Easy to put on and adjust. Only drawbacks are keeping it clean, manure got under one of the pieces of the harness and being there at lambing time to get it off could be challenging. My ewe lambed in daytime, so it worked out ok for me. However, the instructions say the ewe can lamb with it on.
David W from Missouri
Had a ewe trying to prolapse for a week before lambing. Harness worked great at holding everything in and slid out of the way when she did lamb. I was planning on taking it off when if I saw her lambing but she beat me to it. She is a smaller framed ewe and the harness did slide around a bit till I figured out the correct adjustments. But this is first time using. Highly recommend. We used this by itself with no spoon needed.