Qwik Tag Applicator
Use this sturdy metal Qwik Tag applicator to install ear tags in lambs and goat kids.
Installs: Qwik Tags
- 9" long
- Aluminum
- For installing Qwik Tags
How to Use
- Qwik tags can be placed into the applicator by folding it in the middle and pushing it into the open jaws with your finger.
- Slide the female side into the jaw with the recessed hole. Then you can easily work the male portion into the other jaw of the applicator.
- Gently close the applicator to make sure the male and female tags meet.
- While gripping the ear firmly at the proposed position of the tag, place the point of the tag in contact with the ear close to your thumb. This allows you to feel the vein therefore avoiding it. Completely close the applicator until the tag is inserted through the ear and the female side of the tag. While still holding the ear, release the applicator and check that the tag is free of the applicator before pulling away.
Tag placement is critical to success!
For maximum retention and the lowest risk of bleeding and infection, place ear tags in either of the two spots shown in the illustration below. The goal is about 2-3 inches from the head of the animal.TIP: Inserting Tags in Cold Weather
Plastic tags (all brands) are much easier to install if they are warm. Why? As the temperature drops below freezing, plastic becomes less flexible (more stiff). Forcing the male point of a tag through the female takes many more lbs. of pressure (because the female must expand).
So if you care about your hands it’s a good idea to keep the tags above freezing in very cold weather. It takes very little to do this. One method is to simply store them while tagging in a small bucket, cardboard box or tool box with a lid alongside a sealed pop bottle full of warm water. The warm water will keep both the air and the tags warmer in the container.
Ear Tags
Qwik Tags, (yellow, pkg. 20)
Item #616361 -Temporary nylon loop tag for lambs and goat kids. One-piece design. Can be custom imprinted at Premier. Not hand-writable.
$6.50 -
Ear Tags
Qwik Tags, (white, pkg. 20)
Item #616362 -Temporary nylon loop tag for lambs and goat kids. One-piece design. Can be custom imprinted at Premier. Not hand-writable.
$6.50 -
Ear Tags
Qwik Tags, (orange, pkg. 20)
Item #616363 -Temporary nylon loop tag for lambs and goat kids. One-piece design. Can be custom imprinted at Premier. Not hand-writable.
$6.50 -
Ear Tags
Qwik Tags, (lime green, pkg. 20)
Item #616364 -Temporary nylon loop tag for lambs and goat kids. One-piece design. Can be custom imprinted at Premier. Not hand-writable.
$6.50 -
Ear Tags
Qwik Tags, (light blue, pkg. 20)
Item #616366 -Temporary nylon loop tag for lambs and goat kids. One-piece design. Can be custom imprinted at Premier. Not hand-writable.
$6.50 -
Ear Tags
Qwik Tags, (red, pkg. 20)
Item #616368 -Temporary nylon loop tag for lambs and goat kids. One-piece design. Can be custom imprinted at Premier. Not hand-writable.
$6.50 -
SuperLube™, 8 oz
Item #550800 -An all-purpose antiseptic OB lubricant for lambing and kidding. Very useful if a lamb (or kid) goes dry during birth.
$6.00 -
Docking and Castrating
Catron® IV, 10 oz spray can
Item #888147 -Used for treating sheep with fly-strike and as a preventative after docking, castrating or ear tagging. 10 oz spray can.
$12.00 -
Docking and Castrating
Pine Tar (squeezable bottle), 16 oz
Item #623200 -Cover wounds on sheep, goats, chickens and guardian dogs to repel flies and biting insects. Effective for several days after application.
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Elizabeth B from Missouri
Here, the lambs stay with the flock for 8–12 months, with lambs born year-round. The colored tags let me see generally when the lambs were born, so that they may be marketed on time.
The small tags easily and snuggly spring into the Qwik Tag applicator. The male end of the tag is smaller in diameter and requires less pressure to move easily through the ear than other tags.
When applied from the tip of the ear toward the head on the back side, the tag fits between the ridges in the ear and generally stays in place. I may leave more room towards the tip of the ear so that the tag remains between the ridges and leaves room for ear growth.
Dennis H from Mississippi
This is a great ear tag applicator but it not for scrapie approved ear tags. If you need for ID purposes it a great buy. I highly recommend it.
Debbi B from Texas
Well made tag applicator, and very easy to use! So far I really like the small tags I purchased for my lambs this year. Hoping they will be harder for them to pull through.
Rachele W from Texas
Works great on lambs. Easy to use and just the right size tags for sheep.
Polly M from MD
This is certainly the nicest/easiest to use/ most solid tag applicator that i have ever used. tagging lambs is not fun, but it's a LOT better with this applicator and the quick tags than anything else i have yet found. now to wait to see if the quick tags get caught in the electronet, like all other tags i have used so far have done. so far, three weeks after tagging, no lamb has been caught. but the season isn't over yet. i'll ramp this up to five stars if no lamb gets caught in the next three months.